PROSITE documentation PDOC51325
Alpha box DNA-binding domain profile


Sexual reproduction in ascomycetes is controlled by a single regulatory locus, referred to as a mating type type (MAT). The single MAT locus has alternate forms, termed idiomorphs, that must be different for two isolates to mate. All ascomycete MAT idiomorphs encode proteins with confirmed or putative DNA-binding motifs, such as an α box for MAT1-1 strains and a high mobility group (HMG) (see <PDOC00305>) DNA-binding domain for MAT1-2 strains [1,2]. The α box domain is related to the HMG domain [3].

The profile we developed covers the entire α box DNA-binding domain.

Last update:

February 2011 / Text revised.


Technical section

PROSITE method (with tools and information) covered by this documentation:

ALPHA_BOX, PS51325; Alpha box DNA-binding domain profile  (MATRIX)


1AuthorsArie T. Kaneko I. Yoshida T. Noguchi M. Nomura Y. Yamaguchi I.
TitleMating-type genes from asexual phytopathogenic ascomycetes Fusarium oxysporum and Alternaria alternata.
SourceMol. Plant Microbe Interact. 13:1330-1339(2000).
PubMed ID11106025

2AuthorsCozijnsen A.J. Howlett B.J.
TitleCharacterisation of the mating-type locus of the plant pathogenic ascomycete Leptosphaeria maculans.
SourceCurr. Genet. 43:351-357(2003).
PubMed ID12679880

3AuthorsMartin T. Lu S.-W. van Tilbeurgh H. Ripoll D.R. Dixelius C. Turgeon B.G. Debuchy R.
TitleTracing the origin of the fungal alpha1 domain places its ancestor in the HMG-box superfamily: implication for fungal mating-type evolution.
SourcePLoS ONE 5:E15199-E15199(2010).
PubMed ID21170349

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