PROSITE documentation PDOC51516
Sox C-terminal domain profile


The Sox family of high mobility group (HMG) box (see <PDOC00305>) transcription factors that are homologous to the Y-chromosome encoded sex-determining factor SRY plays important roles in embryonic development. Sox18, together with Sox7 and -17, constitutes the subgroup F within this family. Bioinformatic analysis of the C-termini of subgroup F Sox family members from different species including humans, mice, rat, chicken and Xenopus revealed three conserved blocks including highly conserved residues. They were termed proline, charged, and serine according to the predominance of the respective amino acids. The charged block comprises a strong transactivating domain [1].

The profile we developed covers the entire Sox C-terminal domain.

Last update:

December 2010 / First entry.


Technical section

PROSITE method (with tools and information) covered by this documentation:

SOX_C, PS51516; Sox C-terminal domain profile  (MATRIX)


1AuthorsSandholzer J. Hoeth M. Piskacek M. Mayer H. de Martin R.
TitleA novel 9-amino-acid transactivation domain in the C-terminal part of Sox18.
SourceBiochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 360:370-374(2007).
PubMed ID17603017

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