{PDOC00853} {PS01109; RIBOSOMAL_L10} {BEGIN} *********************************** * Ribosomal protein L10 signature * *********************************** Ribosomal protein L10 is one of the proteins from the large ribosomal subunit. L10 is a protein of 162 to 185 amino-acid residues which has only been found so far in eubacteria. As a signature pattern, we selected a conserved region located in the N-terminal section of these proteins. -Consensus pattern: [KNQ]-x(2)-{K}-x(3)-{A}-{L}-x(9)-[LIVMFY]-x(2)-[DENHR]- x(2)-[GS]-[LIVMF]-[STDNQC]-[VTA]-x-[DENQKHPSA]-[LIVMSAD]- x(2)-[LIMF]-[KR] -Sequences known to belong to this class detected by the pattern: ALL. -Other sequence(s) detected in Swiss-Prot: 4. -Last update: April 2006 / Pattern revised. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PROSITE is copyrighted by the SIB Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics and distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0) License, see https://prosite.expasy.org/prosite_license.html -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {END}