{PDOC52029} {PS52029; LD_TPASE} {BEGIN} *********************************************************** * L,D-transpeptidase (L,D-TPase) catalytic domain profile * *********************************************************** Virtually all bacteria possess a peptidoglycan (PG) layer that encapsulates the cytoplasmic membrane and provides shape and rigidity to the cell. Considered as a vital bacterial "organelle", the PG is essential for cellular growth and viability. Mature PG comprises aminosugar strands with alternating N-acetylmuramic acid and N-acetylglucosamine units and peptide moieties that are cross-linked to one another. The final step of PG biosynthesis in bacteria involves cross-linking of peptide side chains. This step is catalyzed by L,D- and D,D-transpeptidases that generate 3->3 and 4->3 transpeptide linkages, respectively. Unlike D,D-transpeptidases that utilize a catalytic serine and pentapeptide substrates, L,D-transpeptidases require a catalytic cysteine residue and utilize tetrapeptide substrates. Members of the L,D-transpeptidase family can also display L,D-carboxypeptidase and L,D-endopeptidase activities [1,2,3,4,5,6]. The ~120-amino acid L,D-transpeptidase (L,D-TPase) catalytic domain consists of two curved, mixed beta-sheets disposed in a clam-shell like manner with alpha-helices situated in the cleft between. The HX(15-18)[S/T]XGCh[N/R] motif (h represents a hydrophobic residue) is conserved among proteins containing an L,D-TPase catalytic domain and provides the two catalytic residues (His and Cys) which delineate the donor and acceptor regions of the active site [2,3,4,5,6]. Some proteins known to contain a L,D-TPase catalytic domain are listed below: - Mycobacterium L,D-transpeptidases 1-5. - Acinetobacter baumannii L,D-Transpeptidase AB. - Bacillus subtilis L,D-transpeptidase YkuD. - Escherichia coli L,D-transpeptidase YcbB. - Helicobacter pylori cell shape-determining L,D-carboxypeptidase Csd6. - Campylobacter jejuni LD-carboxypeptidase Pgp2. The profile we developed covers the entire L,D-TPase domain. -Sequences known to belong to this class detected by the profile: ALL. -Other sequence(s) detected in Swiss-Prot: NONE. -Last update: June 2023 / First entry. [ 1] Magnet S., Arbeloa A., Mainardi J.-L., Hugonnet J.-E., Fourgeaud M., Dubost L., Marie A., Delfosse V., Mayer C., Rice L.B., Arthur M. "Specificity of L,D-transpeptidases from gram-positive bacteria producing different peptidoglycan chemotypes." J. Biol. Chem. 282:13151-13159(2007). PubMed=17311917; DOI=10.1074/jbc.M610911200 [ 2] Brammer Basta L.A., Ghosh A., Pan Y., Jakoncic J., Lloyd E.P., Townsend C.A., Lamichhane G., Bianchet M.A. "Loss of a Functionally and Structurally Distinct ld-Transpeptidase, LdtMt5, Compromises Cell Wall Integrity in Mycobacterium tuberculosis." J. Biol. Chem. 290:25670-25685(2015). PubMed=26304120; DOI=10.1074/jbc.M115.660753 [ 3] Kim H.S., Im H.N., An D.R., Yoon J.Y., Jang J.Y., Mobashery S., Hesek D., Lee M., Yoo J., Cui M., Choi S., Kim C., Lee N.K., Kim S.-J., Kim J.Y., Bang G., Han B.W., Lee B.I., Yoon H.J., Suh S.W. "The Cell Shape-determining Csd6 Protein from Helicobacter pylori Constitutes a New Family of L,D-Carboxypeptidase." J. Biol. Chem. 290:25103-25117(2015). PubMed=26306031; DOI=10.1074/jbc.M115.658781 [ 4] Caveney N.A., Caballero G., Voedts H., Niciforovic A., Worrall L.J., Vuckovic M., Fonvielle M., Hugonnet J.-E., Arthur M., Strynadka N.C.J. "Structural insight into YcbB-mediated beta-lactam resistance in Escherichia coli." Nat. Commun. 10:1849-1849(2019). PubMed=31015395; DOI=10.1038/s41467-019-09507-0 [ 5] Lin C.S., Chan A.C.K., Vermeulen J., Brockerman J., Soni A.S., Tanner M.E., Gaynor E.C., McIntosh L.P., Simorre J.-P., Murphy M.E.P. "Peptidoglycan binding by a pocket on the accessory NTF2-domain of Pgp2 directs helical cell shape of Campylobacter jejuni." J. Biol. Chem. 296:100528-100528(2021). PubMed=33711341; DOI=10.1016/j.jbc.2021.100528 [ 6] Toth M., Stewart N.K., Smith C.A., Lee M., Vakulenko S.B. "The l,d-Transpeptidase Ldt(Ab) from Acinetobacter baumannii Is Poorly Inhibited by Carbapenems and Has a Unique Structural Architecture." ACS. Infect. Dis. 8:1948-1961(2022). PubMed=35973205; DOI=10.1021/acsinfecdis.2c00321 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PROSITE is copyrighted by the SIB Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics and distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0) License, see https://prosite.expasy.org/prosite_license.html -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {END}