PROSITE documentation PDOC00689
Osteopontin signature


Osteopontin is an acidic phosphorylated glycoprotein of about 40 Kd which is abundant in the mineral matrix of bones and which binds tightly to hydroxyapatite [1,2,3]. It is suggested that osteopontin might function as a cell attachment factor and could play a key role in the adhesion of osteoclasts to the mineral matrix of bone.

Osteopontin-K is a kidney protein which is highly similar to osteopontin and probably also involved in cell-adhesion.

As a signature pattern we selected a highly conserved region located at the N-terminal extremity of the mature protein.

Last update:

June 1994 / Text revised.


Technical section

PROSITE method (with tools and information) covered by this documentation:

OSTEOPONTIN, PS00884; Osteopontin signature  (PATTERN)


1AuthorsButler W.T.
TitleThe nature and significance of osteopontin.
SourceConnect. Tissue Res. 23:123-136(1989).
PubMed ID2698313

2AuthorsGorski J.P.
TitleAcidic phosphoproteins from bone matrix: a structural rationalization of their role in biomineralization.
SourceCalcif. Tissue Int. 50:391-396(1992).
PubMed ID1596774

3AuthorsDenhardt D.T. Guo X.
TitleOsteopontin: a protein with diverse functions.
SourceFASEB J. 7:1475-1482(1993).
PubMed ID8262332

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