PROSITE documentation PDOC00516
Plant lipid transfer proteins signature


Plant cells contain proteins, called lipid transfer proteins (LTP) [1,2,3], which are able to facilitate the transfer of phospholipids and other lipids across membranes. These proteins, whose subcellular location is not yet known, could play a major role in membrane biogenesis by conveying phospholipids such as waxes or cutin from their site of biosynthesis to membranes unable to form these lipids.

Plant LTP's are proteins of about 9 Kd (90 amino acids) which contain eight conserved cysteine residues all involved in disulfide bridges, as shown in the following schematic representation.

                     |    +------+           |
                     |    |      |           |    ****************
                                  |        |             |      |
                                  +--------|-------------+      |
'C': conserved cysteine involved in a disulfide bond.
'*': position of the pattern.

Some of these proteins were originally thought to be α-amylase/ protease inhibitors (PAPI).

Last update:

December 2004 / Pattern and text revised.


Technical section

PROSITE method (with tools and information) covered by this documentation:

PLANT_LTP, PS00597; Plant lipid transfer proteins signature  (PATTERN)


1AuthorsWirtz K.W.A.
TitlePhospholipid transfer proteins.
SourceAnnu. Rev. Biochem. 60:73-99(1991).
PubMed ID1883207

2AuthorsArondel V. Kader J.C.
TitleLipid transfer in plants.
SourceExperientia 46:579-585(1990).
PubMed ID2193821

3AuthorsOhlrogge J.B. Browse J. Somerville C.R.
TitleThe genetics of plant lipids.
SourceBiochim. Biophys. Acta 1082:1-26(1991).
PubMed ID1901223

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