ProRule PRU01029

General rule information [?]

Accession PRU01029
Dates 11-NOV-2013 (Created)
30-SEP-2022 (Last updated, Version 9)
Data class Domain;
Name Pestivirus nonstructural protein 2 (NS2) protease domain
Function The C-terminal-most domain of NS2 is a cysteine autoprotease responsible for NS2-3 cleavage. The catalytic triad is formed by His, Glu, and Cys. The pestivirus NS2 protease domain contains five Cys and one His organized in a linear fashion, suggesting the presence of a mononuclear ZnB site. The pestivirus NS2 protease domain forms peptidase family C74.
Scope(s) Viruses
Example(s) P19711 (POLG_BVDVN);

Propagated annotation [?]

Identifier, protein and gene names [?]

case <FTGroup:1>
Protein name + Contains:
RecName: Full=Cysteine protease NS2;

Comments [?]

FUNCTIONNS2 protease seems to play a vital role in viral RNA replication control and in the pathogenicity of the virus.
SUBCELLULAR LOCATIONCysteine protease NS2: Host membrane; Multi-pass membrane protein.
end case

Keywords [?]

Host membrane
case <FTGroup:1>
end case
case <FTGroup:1>
Thiol protease
end case
Transmembrane helix

Gene Ontology [?]

GO:0016020; Cellular component:membrane
case <FTGroup:1>
GO:0019082; Biological process:viral protein processing
GO:0006508; Biological process:proteolysis
end case
GO:0033644; Cellular component:host cell membrane
case <FTGroup:1>
GO:0004197; Molecular function:cysteine-type endopeptidase activity
end case

Features [?]

From: PS51692
Key From To Description Tag Condition FTGroup
TRANSMEM 128 148 /note="Helical"
DOMAIN from to /note="Peptidase C74 #"
ACT_SITE 7 7 /note="For cysteine protease NS2 activity" H 1
ACT_SITE 21 21 /note="For cysteine protease NS2 activity" E 1
ACT_SITE 72 72 /note="For cysteine protease NS2 activity" C 1
case <FTGroup:1>
CHAIN ? 149 /note="Cysteine protease NS2"
SITE 149 149+1 /note="Cleavage; partial; cysteine protease NS2"
end case

Additional information [?]

Size range 139-249 amino acids
Related rules None
Fusion None
Repeats 1
Topology Undefined


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UniProtKB rule member sequences [?]