ProRule PRU01221

General rule information [?]

Accession PRU01221
Dates 27-SEP-2018 (Created)
19-NOV-2022 (Last updated, Version 4)
Data class Domain;
Predictors PROSITE; PS51873; TRIAD
Name TRIAD supradomain
Function The cysteine and histidine rich TRIAD domain architecture is highly conserved and found only in eukaryotes. The three fingers that define the TRIAD supradomain always appear in the same order RING1-IBR-RING2. All characterized proteins containing the TRIAD supradomain have been found to possess E3 ligase activity.
Scope(s) Eukaryota
Example(s) Q924T7 (RNF31_MOUSE);

Propagated annotation [?]

Keywords [?]

case <FTGroup:1> or <FTGroup:2> or <FTGroup:3> or <FTGroup:4> or <FTGroup:5> or <FTGroup:6> or <FTGroup:7>
end case
case <Feature:PS51873:178=C>
Ubl conjugation pathway
end case

Gene Ontology [?]

case <FTGroup:1> or <FTGroup:2> or <FTGroup:3> or <FTGroup:4> or <FTGroup:5> or <FTGroup:6> or <FTGroup:7>
GO:0046872; Molecular function:metal ion binding
end case
case <Feature:PS51873:178=C>
GO:0000209; Biological process:protein polyubiquitination
GO:0061630; Molecular function:ubiquitin protein ligase activity
GO:0032436; Biological process:positive regulation of proteasomal ubiquitin-dependent protein catabolic process
GO:0031624; Molecular function:ubiquitin conjugating enzyme binding
GO:0000151; Cellular component:ubiquitin ligase complex
end case

Cross-references [?]

PROSITE PS00518; ZF_RING_1; 1;
PROSITE PS50089; ZF_RING_2; 1;

Features [?]

From: PS51873
Key From To Description Tag Condition FTGroup
ZN_FING 5 56 /note="RING-type #"
ZN_FING 75 138 /note="IBR-type"
ZN_FING 165 194 /note="RING-type #; atypical"
REGION from to /note="TRIAD supradomain"
ACT_SITE 178 178 C
BINDING 5 5 /ligand="Zn(2+)"
C 1
BINDING 8 8 /ligand="Zn(2+)"
C 1
BINDING 23 23 /ligand="Zn(2+)"
C 2
BINDING 25 25 /ligand="Zn(2+)"
H 2
BINDING 28 28 /ligand="Zn(2+)"
C 1
BINDING 31 31 /ligand="Zn(2+)"
C 1
BINDING 51 51 /ligand="Zn(2+)"
C 2
BINDING 56 56 /ligand="Zn(2+)"
C 2
BINDING 95 95 /ligand="Zn(2+)"
C 3
BINDING 100 100 /ligand="Zn(2+)"
C 3
BINDING 117 117 /ligand="Zn(2+)"
C 3
BINDING 120 120 /ligand="Zn(2+)"
C 3
BINDING 125 125 /ligand="Zn(2+)"
C 4
BINDING 128 128 /ligand="Zn(2+)"
C 4
BINDING 133 133 /ligand="Zn(2+)"
H 4
BINDING 138 138 /ligand="Zn(2+)"
C 4
BINDING 165 165 /ligand="Zn(2+)"
C 5
BINDING 168 168 /ligand="Zn(2+)"
C 5
BINDING 183 183 /ligand="Zn(2+)"
C 5
BINDING 186 186 /ligand="Zn(2+)"
C 5
case <Feature:PS51873:202-209=C-x*-H>
BINDING 191 191 /ligand="Zn(2+)"
C 6
BINDING 194 194 /ligand="Zn(2+)"
C 6
BINDING 202 202 /ligand="Zn(2+)"
C 6
BINDING 209 209 /ligand="Zn(2+)"
H 6
BINDING 191 191 /ligand="Zn(2+)"
C 7
BINDING 194 194 /ligand="Zn(2+)"
C 7
BINDING 202 202 /ligand="Zn(2+)"
H 7
BINDING 209 209 /ligand="Zn(2+)"
C 7
end case

Additional information [?]

Size range 190-285 amino acids
Related rules None
Fusion None
Repeats 1
Topology Undefined


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UniProtKB rule member sequences [?]