ProRule PRU01237

General rule information [?]

Accession PRU01237
Dates 5-APR-2019 (Created)
19-NOV-2022 (Last updated, Version 4)
Data class Domain;
Predictors PROSITE; PS51889; RUBV_NS_PRO
Name Rubella virus (RUBV) nonstructural (NS) protease domain
Function This RUBV NS protease domain is a papain-like protease with catalytic dyad of Cys and His.
Scope(s) Viruses
Example(s) Q86500 (POLN_RUBVM);

Propagated annotation [?]

Comments [?]

case <FTGroup:2>
COFACTOR Name=Zn(2+); Xref=ChEBI:CHEBI:29105; Note=Zn(2+) is necessary for the protease activity. The protease can also function efficiently with Cd(2+) and Co(2+)
end case
PTMNon-structural polyprotein p200: Specific enzymatic cleavage by its own cysteine protease yield mature proteins p150 and p90.

Keywords [?]

Thiol protease
end case
case <FTGroup:2>
end case

Gene Ontology [?]

case <FTGroup:2>
GO:0046872; Molecular function:metal ion binding
end case
case <FTGroup:1>
GO:0004197; Molecular function:cysteine-type endopeptidase activity

Features [?]

From: PS51889
Key From To Description Tag Condition FTGroup
DOMAIN from to /note="Peptidase C27 #"
REGION 153 184 /note="Interaction with host CALM1"
REGION 194 229 /note="EF-hand-like"
ACT_SITE 153 153 /note="For cysteine protease activity" C 1
ACT_SITE 274 274 /note="For cysteine protease activity" H 1
BINDING 176 176 /ligand="Zn(2+)"
C 2
BINDING 179 179 /ligand="Zn(2+)"
C 2
BINDING 228 228 /ligand="Zn(2+)"
C 2
BINDING 274 274 /ligand="Zn(2+)"
H 2
case <FTGroup:1>
SITE to to+1 /note="Cleavage; autocatalytic" G-G
end case

Additional information [?]

Size range 295-310 amino acids
Related rules None
Fusion None
Repeats 1
Topology Undefined


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