ProRule PRU01378

General rule information [?]

Accession PRU01378
Dates 4-AUG-2023 (Created)
8-AUG-2023 (Last updated, Version 2)
Data class Domain;
Predictors PROSITE; PS52034; PEPTIDASE_M32
Name Peptidase family M32 domain
Function The M32 family of Zn-dependent metallocarboxypeptidases (MCPs) contains a group of hydrolases, which although being broadly distributed among prokaryotic organisms, are only present in a few eukaryotes including some green algae and trypanosomatids.
Scope(s) Bacteria
Example(s) P50848 (CBP1_BACSU);

Propagated annotation [?]

Identifier, protein and gene names [?]

case <FTTag:act_site> and <FTGroup:1>
Protein name + AltName: EC=;
end case

Comments [?]

case <FTTag:act_site> and <FTGroup:1>
CATALYTIC ACTIVITYReaction=Release of a C-terminal amino acid with broad specificity, except for -Pro.; EC=;
end case
case <FTGroup:1>
COFACTOR Name=a divalent metal cation; Xref=CHEBI:60240; Note=Binds 1 divalent metal cation per subunit.
end case
SIMILARITYBelongs to the peptidase M32 family.

Keywords [?]

end case
case <FTGroup:1>
end case

Gene Ontology [?]

case <FTTag:act_site> and <FTGroup:1>
GO:0004181; Molecular function:metallocarboxypeptidase activity
GO:0006508; Biological process:proteolysis

Features [?]

From: PS52034
Key From To Description Tag Condition FTGroup
DOMAIN from to /note="Peptidase M32 #"
MOTIF 232 234 /note="HPF #" H-P-F
MOTIF 241 245 /note="DXRXT #" D-x-R-x-T
MOTIF 262 266 /note="HEXXH #" H-E-x(2)-H
MOTIF 291 294 /note="HES/GQ #" H-E-[SG]-Q
MOTIF 344 349 /note="I/NRXXA/SD #" [IN]-R-x(2)-[AS]-D
MOTIF 399 406 /note="GXXQDXHW #" G-x(2)-Q-D-x-H-W
ACT_SITE 263 263 /note="Proton donor/acceptor" act_site E
BINDING 262 262 /ligand="a divalent metal cation #"
H 1
BINDING 266 266 /ligand="a divalent metal cation #"
H 1
BINDING 292 292 /ligand="a divalent metal cation #"
E 1

Additional information [?]

Size range 494-504 amino acids
Related rules None
Fusion None
Repeats 1
Topology Undefined


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UniProtKB rule member sequences [?]