PROSITE documentation PDOC01006
Uncharacterized protein family UPF0758 signature


UPF0758 was previously known as the radC family. The name was assigned according to the radC102 mutant of E. coli which was later demonstrated to be an allele of the transcription-repair-coupling factor recG (see <PDOC51192>) [1,2]. The function of the UPF0758 remains to be determined.

As a signature pattern, we selected a perfectly conserved hexapeptide that contains two histidines.

Last update:

October 2009 /Text revised.


Technical section

PROSITE method (with tools and information) covered by this documentation:

UPF0758, PS01302; Uncharacterized protein family UPF0758 signature  (PATTERN)


1AuthorsLombardo M.J. Rosenberg S.M.
TitleradC102 of Escherichia coli is an allele of recG.
SourceJ. Bacteriol. 182:6287-6291(2000).
PubMed ID11053371

2AuthorsAttaiech L. Granadel C. Claverys J.P. Martin B.
TitleRadC, a misleading name?
SourceJ. Bacteriol. 190:5729-5732(2008).
PubMed ID18556794

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